Oh what a miserable morning was outside to greet us. The rain was tumbling down and deep poodles flooded the roads. It was definitely not a day to want to be out and about. H made herself scarce after my initial invitation to investigate the great outdoors.
I flexed as it was the next best thing to getting out of bed. And retreated, having made brekkie.
Around 11.00, I set off for my dose of torture with the hygienist at Wallingford. She wielded her hacking tools gently . Not a lot to hack at today it seemed, and all clean and sparkly, my teeth and I headed back towards Moulsford.
But we did not stop there, we drove on to Goring. The nurse had not contacted the surgery about the liquid morphine, which was one reason for visiting, but I was able to return some out of date ampoules of something or other.
I called in at the wonderful hardware shop and bought some knitting wool and needles, only to discover that I couldn’t find my downloaded patterns. Just the cover picture, not the patterns.
Next I tried to send Noel (Australian estate agent in France) scans of some documents he wanted.
Lunch followed, rather late .
The afternoon weather improved but too late to get H out and about.
Tomorrow is not looking good from her point of view either. We will be leaving for the hospital around 07.00.
Much that follows will depend upon what they do, if anything. But if they remove T’s growth, it may be that he cannot be left without an adult to keep an eye on him. All will become clear. No weigh in by the look of it.
Random Thoughts for the Day

…But only if you can get up again…
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