Seven Hours and Thirty minutes

Apparently that’s how long I slept! I hit my sleep goal last night. A first. It is probably something to do with the fact that I was wearing my watch all night instead of putting it on charge.
Of course there was another consequence to that – the watch battery went flat, mid-walk.

Today has been just busy busy, mostly with all the domestic chores so I have been on the go for most of the day. Boring chores as well.

T continues to seem better than he was a week ago. Perhaps he was a victim of some bug or other for a few days.
Anyway I was able to get him up and drop him off at Daycare. H and I walked at Castle Meadows straight after. It was very windy, and had been very wet, but blue sky was beginning to force its way out from behind the clouds.
A lonely cow caused brief excitement. I think it was looking for its mates.

Following our stroll we headed for Waitrose for one or two items which swiftly became 3 heavy carrier bags. And quite a lot of money.

And then the chores were all piled up. I was quite a dither, not sure how to prioritise . The beds were stripped. The previous washing machine load was emptied into the drier.
And the second load was eventually dried.

Sheets were replaced on our motley collection of beds and they were tidied up. Thank you for spare sheets, Pen.

The dishwasher was emptied and the heap of skanky crockery piled high in the sink was quickly reduced.
The shopping was stowed, the clean washing was almost stowed and the dirty crockery was stowed.
T was collected and stowed.
I have still got to stow the super king size duvet which is experiencing temporary redundancy.

In the afternoon, the dermatology dept from the Churchill Hospital rang to ask for T to be there at 08.15 on Wednesday. That will be fun, getting him into some sort of conscious state and ready to leave home by 07.15. It may not be possible for them to do the required procedure (‘lump’ excision) due to his various conditions. I don’t think going under the knife with only a local anaesthetic will be an easy one.

I prepped some roasted veg and fish for supper, but I think T would have been happy with the chocolate croissant that I found him munching later. And then there was the satsuma and banana during the night. And grapes.

There have been some changes in government- Suella is on her raft out at sea. The country awaits her off shore broadside broadcasts. And the cabinet has been playing musical chairs.

Thought for the Day

FIVE!! 5555






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