Taking Brenda

A decent night then only a little persuasion was required to get T up and out. The three of us tucked into the car to pick up Brenda from Newbury.
We were there on time after a trouble free drive on A34 which was then followed by a more wiggly drive through lovely autumn colours to Bramley near Basingstoke.

Having dropped Brenda at Michael’s care home, T and I repaired to the Swan in Sherborne St John. It is a Chef and Brewer pub, so not exactly top of my list but we had a very nice meal, perfect size portions for T and dieters. H looked on – oh dear. She has such gorgeous eyes.

This tasty repast cost around half the price of a similar one in or around Moulsford. Memo to self: travel to Basingstoke to eat out in future.

Even better – I discovered a public footpath runs through the pub garden with a gate into a field beyond. So H got a good run around etc etc. Now that is worth remembering!

After we picked up Brenda to return home, we called in at the Base at Greenham and had a cup of coffee to make up for not getting one after our lunch. (The machine at the pub was on strike aka not working)

So Brenda and I had a good natter opportunity and T gave us his thoughts every so often.

It was actually a really good day out. It certainly suited T and myself.

We disposed of Brenda and returned home where we had a supper of soup and croutons. Nice!

TV followed where I drifted off once Strictly had finished. It was followed by Survivor. It is beginning to bore me because I find too many of the characters too annoying.

As I was going to bed, I bumped into T who was wandering around, carrying a plateful of choice snacks he had carefully prepared. I hope he ate them. I did not dare go into the kitchen for fear of what I might find.

He seems a bit better than he was this time last week. But it’s all relative.

Tomorrow’s excitement : Churchill Hospital appointment in Dermatology.

Thought for the Day






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