
I had a lovely sleep. T woke up in a positive and quite chatty mood but it soon changed to not feeling well, headaches and tiredness. But I did get him up and out to Daycare.

It was an utterly dismal day – the rain was pouring down and I had two dogs to exercise, before going to Slimming World before going to the monthly Coffee Morning in Moulsford. Before… It was to be one of those days.

The dogs were tucked into the car. And, having dropped T off, I took them both for a walk round Cholsey Rec and its surroundings. I had the ball thrower for Minnie who was a bit put out when H decided to join in the game.

Having dropped the dogs off at home, I toured Waitrose Car Park in search of a vacant spot. It took a while so I was late for SW which made me late for the coffee morning. Etc etc – I’m sure you get the picture.

However I have mislaid another couple of kilos. Not that I notice a difference.

I dashed into the end of the monthly village coffee morning because this is more or less my only point of contact with other villagers at the moment. Apart from near neighbours.

Soup! That was lunch.

I rattled off an email to Kathy, the Day Centre Manager, updating her and staff about T’s current condition. And explained he might arrive later with hints that soon, he might not arrive at all.

Then I collected T and had a chat with the Kathy. He is apparently fine while there which is a relief to know . He can be delivered late – no problem.

She has a puppy who is so vast at 6 months, he will be like a donkey when he is fully grown. He is a big softy ! A real baby at heart. And is being trained as a therapy dog. He cowered back against the wall at the sight of me! She sought to blame my flapping scarf. He doesn’t like umbrellas either!

We headed to Waitrose to buy a few items and to collect some single bedding that I had ordered for T’s new hospital bed, when it arrives tomorrow. The OT rang to confirm everything. We picked up a few other goodies whilst there.

We took Minnie home and had a cuppa chez the Illis. They were all present except Dave who is away having interesting adventures in wonderful wonderful Copenhagen.

Real adventures too! Lost hotel booking/ poorly Danish host driver, possibly needing A and E/ clients two hours away and possibly no one to drive them and so on…

Tony had biscuits and nutritious drinks for his evening meal. I did not! And he has been up all day until around 22.00. Which is more than I can say of myself!

Thought for the Day






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