A bit better

Tonight would have been fine had it extended to a bit later than 03.30 when T was awake again, inadvertently obliging me to join him. I was swept into the kitchen because, I too, felt the need for a hot drink.

So whilst I was about it, Iprepared a plate of snacks for T: chocolate brioche, chopped apple, pineapple, grapes. He ate the lot! And then continued restless until it was time to get up, when his brain absented itself again.
It was a bit of a bonus that he did arise, no shower needed this morning, and I delivered him to Daycare.
H and I journeyed on to Castle Meadows to the craters in the lane and flooded river meadows. The Thames is very high at the moment.
It was sunny and quite chilly. Having only just adopted my thick sweater, it will be my puffa next. And soon!

We had a little while at home before the human whirlwind that is Pen arrived. Complete with her twin ambitions to 1. Hoover and 2. Mow the short grass even shorter.

We decided on lunch out after ambition 1 was done. The Waterfront was not busy and we enjoyed the sheltered warmth and the food when it eventually arrived, after a reminder and a 45 minute wait.
There was no time to hang around because there was T to pick up, which I delivered Pen to do. And we then visited the Oxshed for the coffee / tea we were denied earlier.

Ambition 2 was completed whilst Pen exercised the mower and then we sat around indulging in chit chat. What a lovely day we had together!

Pen also took a delighted H for a lead walk in the dark to the Rec. H is really happy to go with Pen.

Phone calls and messages informed me that the hospital bed is being delivered on Thursday; Trudi is visiting the Thursday after, at the same time as the boiler will be serviced. It’s all go here.

Except I fell asleep during the evening and awoke to discover that a block of ice had replaced one of my feet. That was no good! I asked for warmth, hid under the electric blanket and received my old foot back.

T has had a better day – we watched some Taskmaster programmes. Where do their crazy ideas come from?

Thought for the Day






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