He awoke coughing at about 03.00. This is unusual because we have been lucky enough to avoid coughing disturbances at night, and T normally sleeps well. So I made him a hot drink and proffered inhalers etc. But by the time things had settled it was around 04.00 and sleep had fled for me by then.
I must have caught up with sleep eventually.
T is wheezy all the time at the moment and really has not been that well for a couple of days. Yesterday he was quite croaky and I thought he might be heading for a cold. He has been less croaky today though his throat is sounding quite rough. But of all his undelightful habits, I find spitting most tricky to deal with.
Alex and Dave called round mid morning to do some useful jobs – rehanging the bedroom curtain and installing a key-safe box at the rear of the house by the bins. It just needs me to get the keys cut. He also got the sound restored to the bedroom TV. T was very washed out this morning and only got up for a few minutes. And ate little . A brioche and a banana. With reminders to keep going.
I left him whilst I took H out at Pangbourne. It was a bright but chilly day. H eventually relented, relinquishing her stand-offish pose, and played with a lovely copper coloured spaniel called Ruby. Her owner and his friend were interesting to talk to. I thought she said she lived in Thailand but it tuned out to be Tilehurst. Doh! He lived in Somerset.
I returned home and T was displaying marginally more life. But a plate of unhealthy goodies was quickly demolished and he brightened up. Scotch pancake, a large one, millionaire’s shortbread, chicken pieces, grapes and a cup of tea. It seemed to do the trick.
I then persuaded him into the shower. He needs help showering these days – the process has been becoming increasingly difficult recently, especially as far as using soap is concerned. He recoiled at the feel of my body ‘grater cum scourer’ and I resorted to using a threadbare flannel. At least he is clean. Ish.
We popped over to the Illis, as directed, and enjoyed tea and coffee. And a little chat. George turned in a sterling GK performance today for Wally U16. Fleur concentrated on revision for her mocks in a few days time.
Dave cooked and Ali and I chatted.
Minnie was not well last week, suffering from doggy ‘hot spot’ an aggravated skin condition. I’m pleased to report she is full of beans again. The vet and antibiotics and potions helped her recover.
Minnie has not had a great week with one thing and another – does not enjoy fireworks. She turns to a quivering bag of very fearful nerves.
However she was very pleased when we arrived and she went and retrieved one of her special towels in my honor. I am told that not every one gets a special towel.
On the way to Streatley, where wide vistas open up across the countryside, we were treated to a magnificent 3 minutes of fireworks. Explosive patterns unfurled across the skies in vivid colours.
Tony improved as the day progressed but has remained wheezy. I was worried about him at the start of the day and although that concern continued, it was reduced a little by the end of it. I had failed to get much food inside him at brekkie time, but late afternoon, he fair gobbled down a selection of cakes and sweet pancakes etc.
I had an email from Tina informing me that she would arrive on Friday 8 December and leave us the following Wednesday. That is something to really look forward to.

A photo shot from Wallingford fire work show.
Thought for the Day

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