
I had quite a good night. And awoke at the usual silly o’clock.
I fed T his brekkie. He was coughing less this morning but has remained wheezy. He spent a large chunk of the day in his bed.
The weather was pretty miserable and uninviting, so I was in no hurry to leave the warm cosy comfort of my bed either.

Instead of a scattering of frozen berries, 0% yogurt and granola, I had pear, orange and banana and the yoguurt and granola for brekkie. It tasted anaemic in the extreme. I blame the orange, for which I paid real gold.. And it was just watery and tasteless.

I decided a change of venue would be good for our walk. Somewhere mud free, So we headed off to Long Wittenham and the long drag up the meadow. It was very muddy between the gate and the car park. Otherwise, all was good and H had her usual dash around.

There is a dog out there.

We returned to find T still in bed which was not a surprise. Pen rang on the way back so We took the world apart. And then reassembled it.

I took a bit of time out to relax and keep T company.
I found some pistachio nuts which kept me quiet whereas T was given soup (abandoned) and cheese on crackers. Eaten I think. Throughout the day, T was fed the special nutritious drinks.
He was quite croaky this evening, perhaps he has a cold brewing.
Trudi also rang, but I was driving, so she will ring back tomorrow, because multi tasking while driving is not the best of ideas.

Ali also phoned and was really looking for a taxi to a glass of lager at Wallingford hockey club where she wanted to ask advice about her dad from a GP friend. The rest of the family was scattered around the south. The advice was very helpful. Although at the end of the day we are looking at just that – the end of the day. Nothing changes.

T got out of bed to watch Strictly, which he enjoys these days. In our other life, not that long ago, he would turn his nose up and snarl at such ‘time wasting’ TV.

It’s an interesting year, this year for Strictly, more open than usual, with no clear front runner. Though Ellie is beginning to shine. Layton, Unfortunately, though very talented, has performed in musical theatre in the West End, including okaying the title role in Billy Elliott. So hardly fair to compare his performances with those with no dancing backgrounds.
And as for Angela Rippon, aged 79…

Thought for the Day






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