I was awake at some really silly o’clock around 03.30 and found it tricky to settle again. I had slept deeply until then.
I eventually fetched brekkie for T at the usual 05.00.
He was quite biddable this morning and I dropped him off at Daycare. On the way to walk H, I received a call to do with his diagnostic hospital appointment for his cyst that is not a cyst. It’s at the Churchill on November 12 which happens to be a Sunday.
That means traffic should not be too bad.
H and I just managed to avoid the rain on our brisque walk.
I had a short while at home, arriving a little later than usual at SW. After a tricky week, I found myself 1/2 a kilo lighter. Better than nothing. My eyes were heavy as Kerry delivered her spiele. Drooping. I was desperate to get home for a snooze before picking up T.
I completed more chores but did not manage the snooze. I gathered him from the debris of Halloween decorations and high excitement amongst the old folk. I think they had a day that will haunt them for a while.
I don’t really know what I did once home. But time passed and before I knew it, it was after 21.00.
The sound still is not working on our bedroom TV. It is quite old so I suppose it might be terminally quiet.

Storm Ciaran is arriving this evening. Evie’s school is closed tomorrow along with hundreds of others in Devon and Cornwall.
Someone was a bit careless at Sidmouth…

Thought for the Day

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