The Day After

I slept badly – not sure why because there is no obvious reason, but it was a patchy night. Lurking at the back of my mind, was clearing up I had to do. But Ali had dealt with most of that and it was a matter of emptying the dish washer which has never been so full. This was done around 05.00 with a bit of clattering.

T downed a bagel and some coffee and I had coffee followed by the usual fruit, granola and yogurt.
T got up rather slowly and was dropped at Daycare and H and I went for a squelch around in Pangbourne Meadows. By now, it was a lovely sunny morning although not so warm.
A cormorant took me by surprise when his head suddenly popped up out of the water as he floated by, on his / her way towards Reading.

Back home, I carried our garden chairs from the sitting room back into the shed, including the two which have joined our sitting room furniture for much of the summer.
The house is more or less orderly again.

A bowl of carrot, celery and tomato soup followed with too much hummus hot on its tail. But I avoided the dreaded bread. It’s not easy: there is a particularly delicious looking, very seedy brown loaf in our bread bin.

It was soon time to pick up T and I was given some sample Christmas cards he designed using stickers and templates etc. He has his name printed on the back and any sold will raise funds for Cholsey Day Care. I had better buy some.

T was very tired when we arrived home which was unsurprising after yesterday. He retired to bed, which was good because I was expecting the occupational therapist at 16.30. And I did not want him to be at his best. Jemima arrived around 17.00 and was helpful and charming. T bounced up to greet her but was soon back on the bed.

We are going to receive a hospital bed which we have now decided will go in our bedroom in the place of his single bed. (What a wise decision I made a year ago to go for two single beds!) We have never treated our sleeping arrangements other than as one very large king size bed. Hopefully we can drop one side of the hospital bed and continue to do so.

But T will be able to become more upright and get out more easily and have protective sides when this becomes more necessary.
Because he is spending more and more time in bed and can’t see the TV from a prone position we are hoping this will improve things.

But I will need single duvets. And that means single covers. And single sheets.

Through his own choice, T remained out of the way whilst I talked with Jemima. The bedroom TV is having a hissy fit and has no sound. Somebody might have fiddled with its buttons. I’m hoping it is not a more mysterious fault. And no, it is not muted. He was lying quietly on his own in the dark when she entered the bedroom to do some measuring.

I gave T a big bowl of soup for his tea, which he downed completely. I forgot to mentioned that it contained left over celery and carrot batons from yesterday. They were added to Waitrose vine ripened tomato soup. I’m not sure what’s coming over him, because he never was a great soup afficionado, but recently he has downed bowlfuls of the stuff, and as for all that beetroot yesterday…

Waitrose vine… r… t… soup is not quite as tasty as the one M and S produce. But Waitrose is on the doorstep and M and S is not.

I had egg Mayo with some left over basil tomato salsa accompanied by a wistful desire for a slice or two of the seedy brown bread.
The evening was interrupted by daughterly phone calls and then was curtailed by drooping eyelids.

Thought for the Day






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