Summer Fades

Birthday girl today. Who? H, of course, and Minnie x 2, Charlie and Millie, Oskar and Benny. Such a gorgeous family.

Today started for me around 06.00 which felt rather nice, so I did some exercise and fed T a bagel and coffee. Today would be a busy day doing various jobs including organising furniture for the feast tomorrow. Luckily, I had all day to deal with it all. I even made myself a list. Two lusts in fact. One consisted of jobs for tomorrow, the other was the menu.

In between jobs, I was quite lazy, but very glad the shopping was done yesterday.

11 people to seat

H did not get exercised until late in the afternoon, and we walked in the last of the fading light as summer melted away in front of us, and the landscape took on a dark, wintry and wet hue. Menacing even. A sort of last gasp had occurred earlier in the day when there was a bit of blue sky. Today was the first day in a while that I actually felt chilly whilst out and about.

But the chill did not deter H and she busily explored the bushes.

We reached the car again, just as the heavens opened, seriously opened, perhaps shedding tears for the death of summer.

H seemed quite keen to greet T once she was home, as he arose, and wandered into the sitting room clutching a banana. I suspect she had not worked out that it was a banana.

Pen sent some interesting pics from Budleigh Salterton, where they have been managing flooding by creating flooding, and have done something to create a new estuary – I think it’s been work going on for a while.

I prepared supper – a tomato and basil salsa which might be repeated tomorrow and tuna Mayo and a jacket potato. Even T ate most of his. The banana might have figured somewhere.
We watched Strictly at some point and some strange reality programme called ‘Survivor.’ It has potential.

Tomorrow will be busy! Luckily I can enjoy an extra hour in bed because the clocks go back.

Thought for the Day






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