Everything Slow

I slept very nicely on the sofa, bolt upright until about 23.00, when I awoke with cold toes. Thereafter sleep was patchy which is unsurprising I suppose.
There was no hurry to arise and do anything much. But I did get T an early cup of tea, tablets and brekkie.
At this silly early hour, I cleared up the remaining, scattered debris from last night and had an energetic scrub at the pan that I so carelessly burnt last night. I read a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and vinegar is a good idea.
Well normally I would buy that at my top shop – Goring hardware – but since it’s now an 18 mile round trip instead of a 5 mile one, I might have to wait. Or turn my attention towards Wallingford. (Recently, in some poll, voted best place to live in Oxfordshire)

And that brings me to mention the new roadworks (23-28 October) closing the road between us and Streatley. Again. Some muppet thought it a great idea to close the main road at the same time as Streatley High Street is closed at Goring Bridge. I believe a more intelligent muppet has drawn someone’s attention to the idiocy of this. And now I have no idea what the dates of this work are.

Whenever, it is a nuisance.

So the saucepan still looks quite black, despite my best efforts.
I watched an interesting YouTube video featuring the very knowledgeable Rory Stuart and quite knowledgeable Alistair Campbell about the background to the current situation in the Near East. It was fairly even handed.

H and I eventually got ourselves out to Pangbourne. Well Pangbourne has had rain again. I don’t recall it raining here recently. But the meadows there have a soggy and muddy feel in places. H seemed unbothered and we walked and bench hopped and enjoyed the warm (ish) sunshine. Love in log served us well.

No visible water fowl at all today, not the teeniest goose or swan, and no cormorants up their tree. The birds obviously have more sense because the state of the river was disgusting with horrible foam being swept along. Thames water have obviously been up to their effluent tricks again.
Just after I was there two days ago, much of the meadow area was cordoned off by police. I was curious as to what dastardly event I had missed. But it was the magnet fishers who became attached to a Grenada, or maybe a grenade, or similar.
Heidi and I had a big love in on love in log.

Just in case you missed it on the video . And it’s not reflections. Thames Water are clearly in denial. The nearest recent (admitted) discharge was in Abingdon.
I’m turning into Victor Meldrew.
That effluent has come from somewhere. And recently.

I ignored shops and returned to feed T his lunch which was bacon and egg. And later, his supper which was not bacon and egg.

Thought for the Day






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