I had a good night and we were awake at around 06.30 whereupon I went to prepare brekkie. As a change from toast, I thought I would offer T the other two choc studded little brioches and a few of the mini flapjack biscuits. I had already given him two of these during the night.
But again the best laid plans go awry. I could not find the mini flapjacks anywhere. And as for the brioches, there was only half a one left. So I dug out a banana, some grapes and the delectable half brioche and gave them to T. An empty package beside his bed caught my eye. The one that read “mini flapjack bites.” Mystery solved. I just hope he enjoyed his secret night feast.
T allowed me to get him ready for Daycare without fuss and he was duly delivered. H and I walked in Castle Meadows. We haven’t been for a while due to my getting annoyed over the deep craters in the lane where we park.
It was quite chilly although the sun was battling its way through a cloudy barrier. There was no one much about apart from a few cattle.
And the helicopters. We only saw one actually fly over but the rest of RAF Benson must have been engaged in helicopter manoeuvres judging by the constant chuntering coming from that direction.
I popped into the wonderful Waitrose to buy ingredients for the supper I would feed Dave and George. Curry or fish had been requested so I cooked Rahila’s chicken curry recipe along with her Dahl recipe. I also made flatbread. I’ve never done this before but they are easy to make, and tasty.

It all went down a treat with yogurt to accompany it.
Desert was easy – I had followed the Waitrose ‘prices reduced’ trolley again and bought two items – profiteroles and strawberries. How well they went together! With some additional squirty cream.
So after my shopping frenzy, H and I returned home for an hour or so before collecting T. This allowed me to catch up on a few chores – the usual dish washer empty and tumble drier rescue.
I had quite a long chat with Pen, trying to organise her next visit as she crashed the car into some debris at home.
Luckily the debris was more noisy than damaging.

Ali and Fleur have been amusing themselves around Dinan and St Lunaire near St Malo. Most of France is closed on a Monday morning so their options were limited to mini golf ( two venues) and exploring a rather lovely beach and doubtless some window shopping. As well as drinking on their hotel balcony. And a meal or two.

T appears to have enjoyed day care…

And I enjoyed making a mess in the kitchen. T seems to have made Halloween decorations .
Dave and George arrived hot foot from Reading and nose cauterisation to entertain us and eat. So the evening was very enjoyable .
T’s ugly cyst is no worse although the dressing I put on this morning did not last long.
I may have dozed off, only to find myself bolt upright on the sofa with cold feet. In the dark. With T going backwards and forwards incapable of settling in bed without me.
Random Thoughts for the day

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