Alien Encounter

Not such a great night last night but I weathered it with a little help from Boiling Point. This is a weird collection of episodes and a short and a longer film. The latter are pre pandemic and the former are current. They follow a chef and events from a busy kitchen, sometimes in real time. But I have struggled to find the point they are trying to make, or, in other words, the Big Message.

Apart from the fact … no spoilers …

The day started around 04.30 for me. It was dark, wet and miserable and it took me all of the next few hours to get T up and moving. He was quite resistant and said he did not feel well. But once up and about he seemed fine. I’m not sure how much longer I can keep getting him up. I have to remember he is probably feeling quite rough.
But once at Daycare, he picks up and comes out full of bounce.

H and I visited the GP surgery on the prescription trail. Success! I managed to pick up new in-date injectable anticipatory medicine but not the juices.

Then we were off paddling at Pangbourne. I suppose the ground water level must be quite high because the rain that has fallen has transformed the grass into a soggy sponge. One that is saturated in places. Wet feet were the order of the day for both of us.
The Thames was flowing, brown, fast and full, carrying debris with it.

And the cormorants were out in force. I’ve only counted around 3 or 4 up the tree before. Today there were 12! And there was some accompanying squawking as they fought over branch space.

We went home and carried out a few chores before picking up T and hot footing it to the barber. He did the usual decent job of deshagging him. No doubt T will feel the draught. It was imperative to get to the GP and barber this week because they are the wrong side of the roadworks. The roadworks that are going up tomorrow which will separate Goring from Streatley so no one can drive up the High Street. How much longer can this go on? And it’s half term.

A trip to Waitrose ended the day. An assistant was wandering around gathering up out of date items and stuffing them in a trolley. Nothing wrong that I could see so I helped myself to one or two.

H ended the day in shock due to an amorphous apparition at the end of the garden. A white one. A sort of feline shaped one. It didn’t hang around. We are surrounded by cats but had yet to see one foolish enough to visit us. She remained on guard, in defensive mode for some while. I’m the dark.

Thought for the day






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