Weighty Matters

I was up early today – around 04.30 and didn’t really get back to sleep until just before it was time to get up. T was entirely compliant and I was able to drop him at Daycare and give H a short walk round Streatley Rec -into the field.

Just as we started our walk, I could feel the dampness in the air was becoming more insistent. It was a grey, fairly horrible outlook. But yesterday’s wind had dropped. I’d rather have the chilly wind and sun than the misery of today.

I then left for Wallingford and SW where I found I had mislaid a few more lbs. I sat and listened through the rather tedious chat (Kerry was struggling with asthma today). They wanted us to nominate a man and a woman to receive some award or other arising from the contributions they make to the group. That left me in a bit of a quandary because I only know one person’s name and this is only my third visit. And there are only two men attending and one was new today.
And we are supposed to take something edible to share with the group next week. I ask you! I’ve to carry food from the car to the venu, after I’ve MADE it! Perhaps I’ll take a salsa or home made guacamole.

It remains a mystery to me how to reach Kinecroft by car. Satnav does indicate a route, but it is currently closed due to building works. In fact it’s been closed for at least 3 months.

Home was not a lot of fun. Dealing with the rubbish is never fun, especially when it’s recycling week. Our recycling bin received a new sticker last time it was emptied. A reminder about what should go in it and how it should go in it. ie rubbish should not be bagged up. I was pleased to notice that everyone’s green bins bore the same sticker. I thought maybe it was just us in the naughty group. The brown bin had to be dragged out as well. And, later I had to watch T try to ruin everything by emptying the food bin into the green one.

Once I had picked him up after Daycare, we did not do much apart from fall asleep in front of the TV. I had Bake Off and Race around the World to concentrate on,

Thought for the Day






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