Lazy Morning, Busy Afternoon

Having fallen asleep in the evening, I had a little wakeful period towards midnight so I started to watch Payback which was recommended to me and is quite watchable.
I then awoke early enough to do some flexing, and drifted off again, until quite late.

I dragged myself up to go on the prescription trail – I needed to get one anticipatory medicine replaced because its use-by date is this month and I had also been asked to collect a Direction to Administer and also hunt down these nutritious drinks. Luckily T is eating quite well at the moment. Not a lot, but better than a week or two ago.

As luck would have it, the pharmacist was on her lunch break, so H and I enjoyed a short walk at Pangbourne before returning for the nice lady to wave her magic wand over some of the missing items.

Our walk was very pleasant but in chilly and windy conditions. The surface of the Thames was quite perturbed. As was the grass and some of the trees. H and I have a little game we play, where I place a treat out of her reach and she has to work out how to get it.

Windy ears

Once I arrived home, I discovered T had been busy exploring the changes to his study and reorganising a few things. Not quite how I had in mind.
I turned my energies to sorting out the various packets of beans, seeds, pasta, nuts, rice, sugar etc into my new storage containers. And the cupboards got a bit of a clear out at the same time. We’ve only been here three years and have already got out of date items.

The kitchen floor got generously sprinkled with bits of sugar etc so out came the dustpan and brush. But get rid of it? Could I? Barely! Crunch crunch crunch.

I joined T in the bedroom and was quietly reading when I realised I felt extremely cold. Investigation revealed that whilst I was out, in addition to the other mischief, he had opened both kitchen windows and the patio doors. Really wide. When the temperature is around 8C this does not feel good.

The rest of the day passed doing nothing much ch after my burst of energy. I seem to have a kitchen sink that is aways full of dirty dishes, I get it clean and empty, turn around and it is full again!

Thought for the Day






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