I was a bit wakeful in the night probably because my extremities were chilly. Must do something about changing the duvets over, was what I thought to myself, and so I did. Later.
Tony was somewhat reluctant to get going this morning and confusion definitely reigned. But he did get off to social club and he does seem to have enjoyed himself.
But he is complaining more of headaches, which is very unusual so suspicions are forming. The headaches do not seem to last long or be anything more than chronic as opposed to acute.
The day started, and stayed very chilly, but was quite bright and sunny. H and I walked to the river at Lower Basildon where the grass was very wet underfoot. There was nobody else about and the world was mine. It is quite a sheltered, narrower, stretch of the river. We did see a swan but that was about it.

I had sneaked our bedding into the machine before I took T, so I returned to deal with it all. The winter duvet is now on the bed whilst the summer one is stowed away for next year. I shall be cosy!
It was no easy task to deal with the duvet. Probably something to do with the fact it is a super king size down duvet which means, although very large, it should be lightweight to handle. But nothing of the kind. There is so much of it that it is heavy and leads an uncontrolled and chaotic life once it is inside it’s cover. Twists and turns are nothing.
However… I won! ( after a struggle which lasted 20 minutes)
T was picked up, rather breathless, and complaining of a headache again. He is quite tired at the moment, but the weekend was busy.
We went to Waitrose together, to pick up the food storage containers I have ordered. I’m fed up of unstackable packets of loose pulses, pasta, grains etc that are fighting to spill their contents all over the kitchen. I will sort them! Tina’s contribution was about the last straw.
Rupert and Yoko are in Greece doing more exploration in Metsovon and around the Vikos Gorge. They sent this picture of kittens exploring Vangelis footwear.

Thought for the Day

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