Time’s Up!

The summer duvet has to go! I love the feel of our Devon Wool summer duvet, but when you wake up with cold toes and fingers, it’s remaining hours are definitely limited. For the current season.

Apart from duvet troubles, I enjoyed another decent night. I think my recent wakeful nights are not helped by nasal congestion. Nothing severe just an annoying blocked nostril. Lying on an extra pillow may be making a difference.
Trouble is… I prefer next to no pillow.

I flexed, gave T his brekkie and fell fast asleep again. For quite a while.
The sky was blue, the sun shone, it was all of 6C outside. It had been -1C at nearby RAF Benson last night. It was definitely very chilly when I opened the door this morning. No wonder the duvet did not do the job.

H and I had a wonderful walk following another new route around Sulham Woods. This involved woodland and fields and distant views. But I suspect it will be muddy and therefore hazardous through the cooler months.

We returned to find T still in bed and a World Cup Rugby semifinal involving England about to start.

I gave him soup. And we settled to watch the rugby to be interrupted by a lovely, unexpected post-hockey visit from Fleur and Ali. Of course, they couldn’t leave until the rugby was over. There is a loud voice that gets over excited in their home! It was a tight match which nearly saw Fiji win.

I had prepared some of the φακές that Tina brought over. She needs to stop bringing over packets of items we can get here, and think about the one true ingredient we can’t get here – gigantes. The lentils tasted good when mixed up with other veg etc. T got bacon and eggs. Lentils are not high on his list.

I fell fast asleep on the sofa for a very long time and woke up in the dark, on my own. T had gone to bed long since. I had cold toes and fingers. I fumbled my way into bed, hitting the electric blanket buttons, mindful of the fact the bed was still wrapped up in the summer duvet. And we might need central heating soon.

Tomorrow is a day of chores and prescription chasing which is wasting a lot of time these days. Not routine prescriptions but ones which need to be in place because T will need them down the line.

Thought for the Day






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