Well, last night was another alright sort of night. And as I awoke quite early, and presented T with his brekky, I reminded him that Devon family would be visiting. The day was a bit more complicated than that, but a little information at a time was best.
I had lunch to prepare. The lump of gammon that I had bought yesterday was soaking in cider and I refreshed that and added in spices and veg and left it cook slowly on top of the hob. For this purpose, I used the special plate I had bought to connect the induction hob with my biggest, oldest, most favourite saucepan which was not induction friendly. And we were off.
My lemon posset made yesterday had set. I hulled some strawberries and chopped tomatoes. The tomatoes were for a big avocado salsa- as opposed to guacamole. The strawberries were to accompany the lemon posset. Lastly I made a veg pilaf rice. We were good to go!
But I wasn’t! I was knackered with all the clearing up. I took a little rest. It was around 12.00. It might help if I was a less messy cook.
In the meantime, Devon family and Fleur arrived. It was lovely to see Frankie, fresh from London, and Evie, and Dave. Pen I have seen a lot of recently, but she landed like another whirlwind doing jobs, and even cut the wet grass. Again. I’m very grateful. One day she will arrive, sit and relax.
Today was dry, with sunny spells, after yesterday’s rain. But much colder. We have had a lovely autumn.
Fleur had hockey to go to so was only allowed beans in toast. But being vegetarian…
Frankie appears to have weathered her first month at University – her first family reunion.
Lunch went down very well. And we chatted away. Pen and the girls stuck T in the wheelchair and took him and Heidi down to the river. T could probably have walked some of the way but wheeeziness would have won.
Trudi arrived with her two dogs. This caused a certain amount of chaos because they were all over the place and H was not impressed, or friendly. We had to watch them.
It was lovely to see Trudi, a one time barrister, who now works as a celebrant. She only takes on funerals.
She had kept up with lots of their ex-colleagues, so it was good to hear news of them. She thought T was looking quite good given his circumstances, as did DCR. We will see her again in about a month.
P and D moved the round table down the garden to its winter position, in the sun trap by the shed. Which was where Trudi and T chattered for a while. She does not live far away in Nuneham Courtenay.
Once everyone had gone, T and I took a little time out and relaxed, waking up too late to do much else with the day.
Below is a rainbow over Benson which Trudi captured for us. Bright or what!

Thought for the Day

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