
A reasonable night and quite a restful day when I did not do the main chore of the day – sorting my wardrobe out.
T’s wardrobe does not bear thinking about – it is full of random things that should not be in there – eg towels and is generally disorganised.
Trouble is, he can never find anything and when I point out his clothes are wherever he put them, he tells me I am not very helpful. Such is the lack of logic!

However, I did feed T brekkie – a two course brekkie, the final course being a bacon sandwich. I think he ate most of it.

I had investigated the great outdoors, which was not at all inviting. It was grey, cold and rain was falling. Gently, but annoyingly. I could anticipate wet feet with ease.

My anticipation was interrupted by a phone call from Ali around 08.00. Early phone calls from Ali usually signal she needs help with something or other, as was the case today.

It’s far too complicated to detail here but basically there was a major cock up over a hospital appointment for George. And Dave made an unnecessary trip to RBH with him, but thereafter they needed someone to get George to school. Which was me. Only it all happened about an hour and a half earlier than I was expecting.
While I was picking up George, I thought I might as well gather up Minnie too, so we all walked along the old railway line from Hampstead Norreys under the shelter of trees and over a decent ground surface.
The rain kindly ceased during the walk, so, yes, we were damp, but not soaked. T hibernated.

I enjoyed the walk, strangely, we met practically no one. Lightweights! We have been very spoilt by a wonderful autumn, which seems to have come to a sudden end.

George provided interesting conversation in the car, not shirking the subject, he launched into an explanation of cancer and it’s powers which has been the content of some of his recent science lessons at school. His understanding was clear as was his explanation to me.
Alex reminded me that his current wish is to use his savings to buy a car that requires fixing. To further his understanding of the combustion engine and its working I expect, Never mind all the other parts. That is quite a project for a fourteen year old.

I called in at Vicars to buy ingredients to feed the Roberts on Saturday at lunchtime. And we returned home. I also bought a large piece of fish for our tea.

Our soup was lunch. Or the other way round.
I’ve still got my brekki granola hanging around. It could become pud.

I finally finished watching the Reckoning. It is riveting watching and Steve Coogan becomes Jimmy Savile.

The fish was good and the day was easy.

Thought for the Day






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