I had another good night, sleeping until nearly 07.45. This put me under quite a bit of pressure because I had to get T to Daycare; give H a little walk and get myself to Slimming World. What joys for the day!
I always need quite a lot of time to get T up. He is incapable of hurrying. But we managed it. H got a walk round Streatley Rec and beyond. It was sunny and warmish- no cardigan.
Having dropped H off, I found a place in Waitrose car park near the cut-through to Kinecroft. Driving to Kinecroft is a complete mystery to me at the moment. It’s surrounded by narrow, traffic-free, ancient alleyways and borders a large, green recreation ground. But how you get a car in there is one of life’s surprises.
The Slimming World Class lasts about 60 + minutes, the first 30 – 45 minutes involve weighing and money. And chatting. The remaining time is for self congratulation, advice and some sort of theme. The organiser is efficient and does a good job. There are quite a lot of people there – around 30+ . Not my choice of way to spend time. But I had a good week.
I then drove to Didcot to visit M and S food store for particular items. By the time I arrived home, and ate soup, it was just about time to pick up T. Which I did. He came out bearing a container of trifle.
I may have allowed my eyes to droop and was startled awake at 3.50 by some event or other involving my phone. My immediate thought was that I had overslept and forgotten to collect T. Panic started to set in… but his presence dispelled that.
I watched some more of The Reckoning, starring a very good Steve Coogan as Jimmy Savile. It’s a drama based on testimonies of his victims and people around at the time. What a vile man! He always gave me the creeps anyway, but, at the time, I tried to bury my negative feelings under the pile of his ‘good deeds’ . Not so good for a lot of people.
I heard various strange and unwelcome noises emanating from our ensuite. I investigated. T was there with a mop and a wet and puddly floor. He obviously thought he was in control and dealing with something, which for him, could not be dealt with. The loo had overflowed, he explained. I’ve never known a loo overflow before. Because, if it is blocked, the obvious thing to do, is, stop flushing it.
Judging by the mess he was making, this had not occurred to him. Or even that unblocking it would be a good idea. He suggested I should not go anywhere near his handiwork!! It apparently needed time to sort itself out.
Nevertheless, I felt the need to take over. It took me about 10 seconds to unblock the loo and then about 20 minutes to disinfect and mop the floor dry. Ish. Luckily there were no turds involved or they may have been, lurking underneath around some loo bend or other.
A bottle of Zoflora later, and we have a sweet smelling sparkly damp floor.
And then there was Race Across the World.
Thought for the Day

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