Gourmet Lunch Out

I enjoyed another good night’s sleep only bullied into consciousness by the alarm that was doing it’s best to get sense out of my dozing brain. This is practically unheard of .
Being woken by the alarm, never mind the sense bit.

T got his toast and brekkie and I had several slugs of coffee before I got to my granola concoction. I need to make my own granola so that it contains the things I like, rather than ingredients some other person expects me to like.

I texted Marie to find out if she fancied meeting up at Saddleback with the Anthonys for lunch. The answer was in the affirmative.

I organised myself into carrying out some necessary chores and contemplated taking H out for a walk. Contemplation eventually became reality and we set off.

Our first obstacle was road works. Not just any old road works but roadworks featuring a reversing truck bearing a cunningly, almost concealed, red light which no longer was located by the ‘if light is red, wait here,’ sign.
Confused? Well I certainly was. Did it or did it not apply to the traffic it was reversing towards? Too late by now!

The second obstacle was the idiot unloading something heavy which blocked the road I was headed up.

So the Heidi walk was not not as long as I originally anticipated.

Next up, we were off to Saddleback for our gourmet lunch. The concept was great, but the reality didn’t match up. A chef is actually useful for a gourmet lunch. The regular chef was having a day off and the agency replacement had decided not to bother to turn up.

So the choice was a tempting sausage roll or an utterly delectable flaky pastry beef slice. Or various cakes. But for those of us who have a weigh in tomorrow, the table was bare.

So whilst the 3 of them tucked into their tasty flaky pastry meat delicacies, I slurped away at my cup of coffee, and a pot of olives and some carrot, celery, and cucumber that they kindly fed me for free.

We chattered on for a couple of hours before leaving for our respective homes.

I picked up H and took her for another quick stroll to the Rec, failing to make it to 3km yet again. Tomorrow will be tricky. Commitments!!!

Supper was utterly delicious – a pile of new potatoes and sprouts topped with hummus. T, of course, was not going to be so hungry after his meat slice. So he received a variation of a few potatoes, cheese and cucumber and houmas.

Night drew on with Bake Off which allowed me to drift off. Bread! I caught up towards midnight.

Thought for the Day






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