
Quite a decent night with a latish awakening.
It was to be an entertaining day … entertaining visitors that is .

After the usual coffee and toast, T was in no mood to get up. So Tina and I eventually met up in the kitchen, where I prepared for her a cooked brekkie and fed T the same. So he had two brekkies today.

His cough has stayed mostly improved although he does have the occasional bout, with blood. The breathlessness is much improved, and he has used his inhaler less.

Tina and I went off to the Swan with H and a pathetic bit of a walk. I returned H and Tina back home and went to meet Rupert and Yoko at the station. Only they were not there. But a message was there, on my phone – a cancelled train had delayed them by an hour.

So, it was back home again, for half an hour or so, which afforded me time to buy ripe avocados. The ones I had at home for the guacamole had failed to ripen. I also bought items for dips. ie crisps.

Out visitors eventually arrived and I took them home where they were royally entertained by Tina and Tony and drank zero beer and tickled the dips with crisps. Etc

The Illis were somewhere to do with football and cricket which never really became clear to me, but eventually we were summoned to the Illis’ home.
I had to do the journey in two legs because of the number of people involved. But hey, the guacamole was ready to add to what the Illis had prepared. Which was chili. The chilli was delicious. Along with all its accompaniments. As was the apple crumble which followed.
It had been such a warm day that we were able to eat outside, but the evening eventually grew dark and chilly and we retreated inside.
Our visitors were treated to a tour of Peru, via holiday slides.

It became time to depart and take R and Y to the station. It was good to have them over. I returned and collected T and T. H was already in the car.

It has been a busy but enjoyable weekend, though I feel a deep fatigue that is difficult to describe. Maybe tomorrow it will lift.

Thought for the Day






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