Busily Exhausting

Another fretful night with no long satisfying blocks of sleep.
T eventually succumbed to my entreaties to get up for Daycare. And I delivered him. At that point in the day, I was expecting to walk H, get hold of some coriander from somewhere or other, and some frozen fruit. I was expecting to prepare Tina’s room and then pick up T early before the nurse visited at 2.00pm .

It did not quite happen like that. Two phone calls happened and one changed things. The first phone call was from Trudi Yeatman, a one time court stenographer, who took her bar exams, qualified as a barrister and practised in the same chambers as T.
She doesn’t live far away.

But, after a break loo down a few years ago, penniless, she ran away to Greece, with her dogs, and laid low earning cash painting boats in Piraeus. I should mention that she had previously lived in Greece for a few years and has a decent grasp of the language.

She now earns her crust as a Celebrant and had been doing this for about 6 months before March 2020. Need I say more? Her career took off.

With the future in mind I had wanted to get back in touch with Trudi and, coincidentally, she has sort of fallen into my lap.Just talking to her was very soothing. She is visiting us next weekend.

The other phone call was the nurse rearranging today’s appointment to tomorrow. Not exactly convenient, but a done deal.

i still had not managed to locate fresh coriander, but i returned to do housework etc and then met T.
A visit to Waitrose for the coriander was successful.

But poor old T suffered an explosive accident in the loo which took him a while to not sort out. And after impatiently waiting, I bravely approached the male loo doors to be told: ‘I’m busy!’ All this took a very long time. It would have helped if the disabled loo had been available for use. Or if the ladies’ loo had not been out of action! All that were available were the baby changing room and the gents.
I got him home and continued the clear up. Somewhere there is an unsavoury pair of shoes. But where is a mystery, that only T and the shoes can answer .

By now, Tina had landed at Gatwick and her chosen train to Reading was running, despite whispers of strikes. She said the train was in constant use by school children, which could be why it was not a strike casualty. And then she picked up the Goring connection and was duly met.

There were various culinary gifts and treats for which we were very grateful.

I cooked salmon, new potatoes and a limited version of guacamole for supper which slid down very well. Those not on Slimming World, received a choc ice. And played Scrabble ( after a fashion). I merely drooped. And fell asleep.

I’ve just found T devouring some λουκούμια in bed. It is half past midnight.

Thought for the Day






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