I was dreading today. I knew I would not be able to do everything required of me today and that it would be energy sapping. I also knew that I would lie awake and fret over it all night, so I dismissed the most time consuming part before I went to bed. The 3km part. I could share that over various other days.
In the event, one of my ankles was very troublesome after the uneven ground yesterday and one of my knees was uncomfortable after I fell out of bed so elegantly in the middle of the night.
The discomfort after the fall did keep me awake. I must remember to fall out of bed in the later-early hours in future so there is not so long to feel sorry for myself before it is time to get up.
Carpenter Clive was here good and early to rehang the study door so it opens into the hallway and not into the room. This is to make more room for a hospital bed when the time comes. It was nice to see Clive again – it is 3 years since he replaced all the doors that were here, and, more importantly, fitted our entire kitchen.
I reminded him of how T had once tidied away all his carefully lined up screws and nuts etc.
In return he described the progress of his love life which never runs smoothly. Bless him! Perhaps he has at last found the companion he is searching for.
I left him hard at work and dropped T at the Daycentre. Well, I tried to. But roadworks had closed off Papist Way, yet again, without warning. Thwarted! This delayed proceedings somewhat and meant I rethought where to give H a quick run. And a quick run was what it amounted to.
I dropped her at home and legged it back to Kinecroft in Wallingford. That was not straightforward either because I could not find it. I knew roughly where it was but was thwarted yet again by roadworks. I could not work out how to get the car there but other people could, because there were plenty of them in the car park. Long ongoing roadworks blocked the obvious routes.
My car was abandoned in Waitrose car park and I launched myself at Slimming World. Grr. We shall see. The meeting was populated by people like me ( fat) many of whom had already lost several stone. I have booklets to read and work to do.
I had to leave slightly early due to a hair appointment in Goring, which was quite relaxing. Then I returned home to catch my breath and to release H into the big outdoors. I sat down which provided great relief.
I managed not to fall asleep until after I had brought T home. Then I made up for lost time.

Thought for the Day

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