I had a reasonably interrupted night but slept well in between all the interruptions. T had had a really bad coughing fit at bed time.
He was quite cooperative and quite organised about getting up to go to Daycare. And I dropped him off at around 09.45.
H and I took ourselves to Little Wittenham to walk across the meadows and then through the woods towards the three ponds. The new ones they had dug out a couple of years ago.
Wittenham had received more rain than Moulsford. There were quite a lot of deep brown puddles scattered around. And the meadow grass was sodden. That meant wet feet.

But we had a nice walk in very very humid conditions which left me drippy and sweaty. Partly through woodland and partly through soggy meadows. This effort was around 2.15 km thanks to an interrupting phone call where I paused. I will need to do 0.85 km later. Somehow.

I dashed home to drop H off before meeting Anne, and to give myself a wipe down and a ‘smell fresher’ treatment.
And then I left – only 20 mins late. Cobbs did a very good lunch where we were seated outside underneath the sort of awning you don’t argue with. Guaranteed to keep you dry in all but horizontal rain.
Anne’s sister Mary (as of Mary and Ken) is quite poorly and in hospital and her brother Bill is displaying a variety of symptoms he would probably rather not have. I guess you reach a certain age and you and your contemporaries start to disintegrate or just disappear. Dwindle. Decrease in number.
Burt was trying to tell me that the rude guy, next door but one, has joined that dwindling number.
I picked up T who had a good day at Daycare. Not quite sure what he was up to with his green friend, apart from having fish and chips and blackberry and apple crumble for lunch.

I had to take H for a quick route march to complete my 3km worth of walking workout. It was raining. We got wet. H was not impressed.
I’m tired!
Tomorrow is not so busy but Wednesday is horrific.
Fleur and Ali travelled to Oxford for something very important to do with hockey only for a storm to cancel it. They reported red waves in the sky long after sunset. The reason is explained below.

Thought for the Day

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