I had received an ominous message from Ali saying she intended to come and start to sort out T’s study later today. To sort it out ready for when a hospital bed is needed. We have been advised not to leave these things until the last moment.
Back to the start- I did not have a particularly good night which left me feeling heavy and lethargic this morning. During the night, I had felt very achey and shivery – a reaction to the jab I think. And painful shoulders.
Preying on my mind, was this commitment to walking 3 km each day to raise money for Dementia UK. I was going to have to create space and time for that. 100km per month.
This commitment was seriously interfering with my plans for the day – ie have a lie in; as was Ali’s threat of disturbance this afternoon.
H and I walked at Castle Meadows. I walked the extended route round the meadow near the Castle, down to the river, where I added a 1/2 km towards a bench near Wallingford, and back, and then we wandered the towpath towards Benson before rounding back across the Water Meadows. It was just over 3 km.

It makes sense to have a few similar routes marked off. I ignored the pull of Waitrose to return home and cook T the most delicious bacon and eggs and fried apple. I know it was delicious because he ate it all.
I was just recovering from a late, relaxing doze, when the whirlwind arrived, tearing through T’s study, relieving it of a lot of the irrelevant leaflets and other crap that filled its drawers and occupied its shelves and window sill.
The whirlwind’s supporters’ club arrived later, to lend his expertise. So between them, the recycling centre, the shed and the loft were used to show appreciation for various rejected items.
Clive, who fitted our kitchen, and did a lot of carpentry when we moved in, has been booked to reorganise the study door so it hangs outwards to the corridor, to help make space for the larger bed.
T has spent today mainly in bed. There has been some coughing, but not like yesterday. Reduced in volume and power. And more intermittent.
Until late this evening. And then we had a major coughing fit that took a while to settle. With lots of Oh dears.
Earlier, I made us some cheese and biscuits and sat down in front of the TV to eat mine. T remained in the bedroom. I fell fast asleep again. Very fast asleep.
H has kept a very low profile since the rigours of the morning.
It was a struggle to sort myself out for bedtime. I’ve no idea what T was doing between 19.00 and 22.00. And it was around 23.00 that the cough started up.
I have a busy week ahead. Anne is passing by tomorrow so we will meet up for brunch/lunch. Somehow I have to get T to daycare and 3km done before meeting her. Perhaps we will split the distance over two walks.
Thought for the Day

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