
A lot of coughing today which prematurely drew our day out to a conclusion.

We awoke at the usual sort of time and slowly got ourselves up and to the surgery in Goring for 11.00am. Since the Gas people have kindly seen fit to close off Streatley High Street for yet more emergency work, our 4 mile trip to the Doc became an 18 mile one. Very annoying!
But we gave now been flu and Covid jabbed. One in each arm and I am awake at a silly time feeling shivery.

The extra time involved in returning from the jab delayed our arrival in Newbury. Hence H had a rather short wander at Greenham. She knew she had been shortchanged.
It was good to see Brenda and Val again over a snack lunch at the Base. This hopelessly inefficient cafe there managed to serve us in the end. And T downed a couple of large coffees.
I had hoped to walk H on the way home, But we needed to visit Boots at the retail park to try and obtain the outstanding medicines for T’s emergency box. They had one and I have ordered the other. Fingers crossed. Some of these are definitely for end of life care.

By now T was coughing quite badly and had been for a little while, so I decided to take him straight home. It took a while to settle him down. But he slept like a baby through the night.

I did not . My sleep was crossed with shivers and aches and sundry piles of used bedding and stray dogs. Don’t know where that all came from!

Thought for the Day






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