Pen was here for another whirlwind visit, bless her, essentially to meet Sue Ryder Nurse, Katy, but in reality to cut the grass, weed various areas of the garden, transplant old bay trees for new ones, and to experiment with the wheelchair and T.
She packed a lot in. Ali was packed off to work.
So, the night passed as most do, these days, after following a few celebrities trail across the world, in pairs, and on a limited budget.
Pen arrived, as promised , around 09.40 and we had a chat whilst T got up. He did not really want to get because he was tired , which could be a side effect of the radiotherapy last Monday, or he could be just tired.
We took the wheelchair for a walk across Pangbourne Meadows. It was just about pushable over the rough ground, and T did gratefully accept the ride. Heidi did all her usual stuff and it was pleasant, dry and warmish.
We followed that with an ‘accidental’ trip to the B and W- not our original intention-but an enjoyable one. Mainly because we were running short of time before our Nurse appointment.

Heidi ignoring us at the B and W.
The whirlwind, then set about the garden. The grass almost certainly recognised her for the threat she was.
Nurse Katy arrived and we had a very long chat with her. She is a dog lover, amongst other things. She has a red setter of her own who she described as feral. She uses a tracker. And often walks him at Greenham where she says they both get lost.
But our talk was mainly to do with End of Life care and finalizing many of the details we had discussed a few weeks ago including DNR and RESPECT planning and paper work.
We will get weekly visits for now. She also took charge of the haemorrhage médication and injections, which needs adjusting and will speak to the GP about it.
We also revisited the issue of installation of a hospital bed – when and where. Timing may not be that far away, given that he is subscribing to use of the wheelchair.
Things are not going to improve but there is good support out there. And T continues to potter on in blessed ignorance. He does not seem to be in pain or suffering, though he does not like feeling breathless.
Thought for the Day
Thought for the Day

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