Back to Daycare

T was up and about and ready for daycare where he was delivered, a little later than I would have wished.

The doc did not ring me at 09.00 or even a few minutes later, but around 9.30 which had a knock on effect for delivering T.
I now have in my possession the anticipatory medicine. Two types. One is already drawn up in syringes for injecting into muscle. For which I will receive instruction from one of the Sue Ryder nurses. This one is for serious, heavy bleeds. The other is in tablet form and is a calming medicine.

H and I wandered at Pangbourne . H was distracted by the ducks and the toddlers feeding them. Toddlers mean dropped goodies/ spare pickings etc.

I did not see the Syfrets today but I found a dazzling picture as they prepared to enter some rowing event or other.

I’ve had another go at getting rid of some mould growth in our bathroom and some scale as well. It will take more than one attack.

Amazon have delivered our toilet paper supplies for the foreseeable future – it’s a bit of a mountain, and the rubbish is outside awaiting the bin men.

The grass needs cutting but needs to be a bit drier. Storm Agnes failed to materialise in any noticeable form.

The blue badge team sent an email telling me they were turning my invisible disability application down. This has prompted a swift riposte from me asking why they have disregarded my previous emails telling them we have one, and why. This also hints at their inefficiency and lack of any sort of understanding as to what dementia involves.
It also hints that a reply from them is quite handy at times because a reply suggests they have actually read points made. Maybe hints us an understatement.

Thought for the Day






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