Scary Day

Today was the day T was going back to the Churchill for his dose of palliative radiotherapy. The one that is supposed to alleviate his symptoms. No cure, no delay, no stopping it. Just relief.
But, today, T has been far more poorly than before on this unpleasant journey.
He started off with a severe coughing fit which caused a fair amount of blood to be sprayed generously in the loo, the basin and around the ensuite. I began to doubt whether he would be calm enough to get to the Churchill.
But the cough calmed down, to leave behind a residual wheeze. And he was compliant about getting dressed and Ali arrived to pick us up, with Pen in tow. And we were off.

At the hospital, we borrowed one of their wheel chairs which was a wise decision. T was exhausted.

He was exceptionally well behaved during the application of the radiotherapy. I think Ali was reminding him via headphones of what was going on. It did not even take that long.

On the way back, we treated Pen to coffee at the alpaca farm which we all like now. It was new to her. T adores the alpacas and it was all green and sunny.
A minibus of disabled people arrived – a trip out for them.

Back at home the housework queens decided to interfere with my poor efforts and took to dusters and bleach. The sheets had received some spotty decoration earlier in the morning.

T was utterly flat out by now but still very wheezy. This was quite scary – being so wheezy and it persisting at such strength.

I didn’t like to leave him, even to take H out, so we spent a peaceful afternoon not doing much.
It was in the midst of this, that I received a surprise phone call from Noel, (Edmonds) our estate agent in France. We have now accepted an offer, at the asking price, for our ‘house’ in France. We are able to leave it with everything included, which will simplify things for us. Just a few mementoes to pick up. Fingers crossed that things go through smoothly over the next 3 months or so. I had missed an email advising me of this. Idiot!

I will be sad to say goodbye to Le But after so many happy times spent there, but it is no longer practical given our age, health etc. And France is still there to be visited. But without a house and garden to maintain.

The day passed. T did not eat anything apart from a few bits of cake and a lot of grapes.

I visited Amazon and ordered a dark coloured sheet and more maxi roll toilet paper. That was my excitement for the day.

We retired to bed after watching Laura Kuenssberg episode 3 of State of Chaos. An interesting 3 parter looking back over the last 4 years or so.

And we were off to bed. And as an update, a good night has been passed. T seems slightly less wheezy and he slept well.
We have been warned that his symptoms could get worse before the radiotherapy kicks in. Or even, temporarily, as a result of it.

Thought for the Day






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