What a very long day – wonderful boat trip. Terrible drive home . Deafening racket when I picked up H. Curry.
You need read no further!
Because of all the servants who accompanied us for our five days in Norfolk, there was little for me to do this morning. Apart from getting T up and finishing packing and stripping the linen off the bedding. And loading the car, but Ron swept my wheelie bags off me and did most of that.
Just to have someone read your mind and ‘do’ or help with all those unspoken jobs. Well … I had forgotten had forgotten the pleasure that provoked.
Brekkie was downed and the final clearing up was done and we were off to Beans Boats at Morston Quay. We now travelled independently, no more rides in the AD van. We would head off home after the seals.
Our boat trip, in warm sunshine, was to see seals – amongst other things, at Blakeney Point. And see seals we did. Though not so many are left hanging around because they are starting their migration south. They over winter on the Iberian peninsular.
So we boated up a creek that widened out into Blakeney Habour which looked like a lake full of water. A few hours earlier, and it was all mud or sand as it was low tide. So our boatman said.
Although it was a smallish boat, twelve of us filled it, it was a fairly smooth ride. Getting in and out of it, for many of us was not easy. But plenty if help was at hand. Our attention was drawn to various species of birds as well as to the group of seals basking in the sun. The best ones were those who swam, pushing their heads above the water.

Ruth, our excellent group leader.
The journey home was one of the most trying I have ever undertaken. For various reasons. The traffic was horrid. It was over 6 hours long. A car had been dumped over a hedge and into a field by some other cars. Someone in a mustard car decided they would pull out immediately in front of me, from a side road. Then grovelled their apologies with a series of flashing orange lights. Gave themselves a shock I think. One we shared. And there were various other incidents. Heavy showers didn’t help.
But… here we are- home. After unloading, piling washing into machine, washing a car seat, unloading bags, I set off to collect H. I was greeted by a racket of squeaks and barks and great wagginess from H. Minnie thought she had better join in too and became very excited and they ran round the kitchen. So the Illis will now have howl-free nights. So will we. What a daft dog.
There only remained milk to buy and a curry to pick up. I felt very tired! And I had sat on my bottom for most of the day. And the seals must have happened two months ago!
Thought for the Day

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