A téléphone one at 15.30. We, carers, and two who are cared for, are meeting for lunch at Saddleback at 13.00. I must remember to stay there until I’ve spoken to the dieticians.
Last night I had fish pie dreams. I made at least two but they were nowhere to be seen when I wanted to eat one. But the ingredients were in the fridge. I think it uncooked itself somehow.
And rubbish thoughts kept me awake until, in a fit of pique, I trailed to the kitchen and emptied the internal bins into the kerbside one. And then the fridge got the same treatment.
Since we are away next week, less rubbish is good.
I eventually levered myself up for the second time, and into the kitchen, whilst I sorted the dishwasher and all that was in it, out of it, and filled it again. Mostly plastic boxes I had emptied from the fridge. Left over soup etc. There are only two of us… I’m not sure how we get through so many dishes, cups etc.
I have started serving T Ribena, warm or cold. He rarely drinks the coffee I give him, which is a waste of money; but some tea goes in him.
H and had a pleasant walk in warm sunshine, sitting awhile watching the usual boats, birds and dog walkers and fishing people. A few elderly ladies were enjoying the sun. Maybe I should set up an old ladies bench club. Most seem lonely in that they are anxious to talk.
I raided the Coop ATM, failing at the first attempt. It helps to use a valid bank card, rather than one that has expired.
We returned home to gather up Sleeping Beauty to take him to Saddleback Farm Shop near Brightwalton. Carers’ group including the dreaded, potty P.
This is why I like going there…

We enjoyed a very good farm shop snack lunch. It was a full house as far as attendance was concerned and Anthony and Tony chattered away. Well Anthony chatted and T nodded his head and listened.
We did not leave until after 16.30, by which time I had chatted to Francesca, one of the dieticians. She advised to feed T finger snacks if he doesn’t want to eat, which is pretty well what I do now. But I couldn’t help but watch him devour a large bowl of sphagetti bolognese at Saddleback.

I don’t know how to get rid of the silly insert above.
Nuts are a useful suggestion- he is quite a squirrel and another (expensive)idea, but sensible… buy mini cheeses Eg baby bel or individually wrapped bite size ones. It might even involve less waste of bigger blocks. Crackers are good too and I must heap butter on his toast. As well as jam.
The fish pie got properly cooked this evening and the reality was good. Even T ate a small portion. The rest of the evening was a blur. I was tired and at some point I was cold.
Thought for the Day

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