More of the Churchill Hospital

Last night was a bit better than recent ones but I was still awake long before 06.00. I made the usual hot drinks and fed T some brekky.
Then H and I eyed each other up and we departed for a short walk in Streatley. I had to be home again in time to get T up so we were ready to depart for Oxford at 10.50. It was a sunny and pleasant walk.

That look of worship has nothing to do with the treat in my hand.

Today, T was set to go for the mapping scan for his dose of radiotherapy which might alleviate his symptoms of coughing wheeziness and stop a possible haemorrhage.

Ali arrived on time and all the usual things happened though there was less traffic today. The disabled parking was full but a space became free. We get free of charge parking there now. We are very grateful.

This time we were in the radiotherapy department, along with quite a lot of other people. Ali was the one to take T in- Lamb to the slaughter. His compliance and behaviour were impeccable and Ali reported that the way the doctors worked with him and his Alzheimer’s was amazing.

Our next visit will be in 25/9 at 09.45 for delivery of the radiotherapy. That’s quite early. This could tie us in with rush hour traffic. Straight after our holiday. Must be on our toes.

We had Beetle sandwiches for lunch and enjoyed watching the antics of the geese on the river. The swans appeared to add a frisson of maturity to the proceedings.
Pen had to dash off back to Devon where Frankie is preparing herself for her start to University at the weekend. And Pen has her Open Studios to mann. Or Womann .

T and I tumbled flat for a rest and I had another long sleep which will not bode well for tonight.
I also made a fish pie for supper tonight. A virtual one. In fact I made two virtual fish pies step by step. I remember cutting up the fish and laying it carefully in the dish. I could smell the pies cooking. In fact the aroma is drifting up my nose now.
Only problem – the ingredients remain all cold and still in the fridge. Two dreams. Two fish pies. Still a dream.

I finally awoke, very shivery, which is reminiscent of a recent visit to Asti a few months ago. My fingers are crossed that the shivers are part of the fish pie dream. I am not hungry which is more serious.

I was probably shivery due the various windows and doors that I found wide open leading onto a chilly outside. I hot myself up and thawed myself out, and discussed supper menu with T. He seemed quite keen on fish pie, the ones I had not made. I prevaricated a little until I dozed off again. By now it was early evening so I abandoned fish pie and gave him a slice of quiche. He ate it. All. I was still not hungry.

The evening dragged on and bedtime arrived. I started off sleeping quite nicely until I awoke fretting about the rubbish.

What planet am I on that dream about rubbish! T had brought the bin to the front of the house yesterday, and I added the bags of rubbish that had been sitting around by the back door. And the food bin.
But I could not dislodge from my mind, the rubbish in the interior bins. So at some ungodly hour, I emptied them and cleared two bags of manky food substances from the fridge.
Must get all shipshape and fresh for our absence next week.

Thought for the Day






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