Not a very good night either. I remember battling my way through a repeat of a dream. one I dreamt a few days ago, where everything was going predictably wrong. Happily for you, Dear Reader, I cannot remember the details.
The morning lay peacefully ahead, calm and unruffled. No commitments until 14.00 when Debs would come and do our toes. A stretch of utter delight.
Until I received the message from Ali. She had forgotten her laptop/ left it at home. She was burdened with sorting George out for rowing; sorting herself out for a corporate golf lesson this evening; sorting us all out for T’s appointment tomorrow; and an important meeting today.
She wondered if I could meet her at Tilehurst Waitrose at 11.00, with her lap top. I agreed.
And stuffed H in the back of the car because Pangbourne is en route to Tikehurst.
No sooner had I set off than I received a message from Terry saying he hoped to be at Goring at 11.00. I may be clever, I may be able to multitask, but I can’t be in two places at once.
So I had to turn Terry’s kind invitation down. I assumed he had managed to pick up a taxi ( he hadn’t) because I was walking with H before I heard from him again, as he was losing the will to live in Goring.
I eventually found him and picked him up at the Swan in Streatley and reunited him. with his car on our drive.
He returned to Shepperton and I gave T some lunch.
And Debs arrived to masssge our feet and deal with our toe nails. Lovely. Well not so lovely for her, because to my horror, he had answered the door in his bright red underpants. When I remonstrated with him, he tried to make out they were shorts.
So my relaxing morning quickly became unrelaxing.
After her departure, I sat in a chair watching the garden and my eyes may have closed. for quite a while.
Chris tells me that our Swedish friends are now at Grammeno keeping a watchful eye on him and his gang.
We also arrived there around a year ago to H’s excitement.
Thought for the Day

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