But next week is busy. And H and I were out for a walk around 07.00. The sun has arisen by then, but not for long. The night had been disturbed, probably due to being Sleeping Beauty yesterday.
Pangbourne Meadows were developing a busy look. Canoe races would be taking place. The youngest participants would race to Mapledurham and back. The experts would do that three times – 12 miles. They were expecting 365 entries. A big occasion.
Various good hearted people were busy picking up debris left by selfish people enjoying the meadows yesterday. If you can carry stuff out there, consume it, surely you can cart your empties to a litter bin.
H finds all this detritus extremely interesting. And even tasty. The morning was quite warm and not suitable for energetic activity.
Cars and trailers and vehicles with roofbars laden with canoes were crawling across the grass. Fisherpeople had distanced themselves from all the excitement. And it was not yet 08.00.

We bench hopped our way down the meadows until I decided we should return. We called in at the coop to pick up some supplies and returned home to tend to T. And relax.
I had a mega unpack of the dishwasher to do. And a mega load to replace it. I prepped us sandwiches and dished out Ribena to T and may have enjoyed a snooze.
I had a message from Terry to say their plans had changed and he will pick up the car tomorrow. He’s getting a train to Pangbourne or Goring.
Tomorrow I shall pick up T early from social club so he can participate in a zoom conversation with the people we will be going away with next week. I can’t remember if I mentioned the light weight wheelchair arrived a couple of days ago. T doesn’t like it so I have hidden it in the spare room. Thinks it is beneath him. Well… it soon will be.
I think it’s quite nice.

Pen has started her Open Studios Day with a nice dose of cash. You can follow it on her Instagram pages … PenPennyPencils.
Tomorrow will not be fun (and i can confirm that tomorrow has arrived and is not fun.)
Thought for the Day

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