
Spent most of the day asleep… I’m not quite sure how or why that came to pass. Perhaps I’m just subconsciously enjoying the horrid heat. Or escaping it. I decided to walk to the Rec and back late in the day. We did not linger, and arrived back uncomfy and sweaty.

Since I awoke around 08.00, I had missed the cooler part of the day as far as walking H was concerned. I made a drink and fell fast asleep again until nearly midday.

I wandered around the home aimlessly for a bit, chattering to T who was doing the same, whilst re-organising his clothes. We had a GG reheated Thai curry for lunch. I cooked rice and added veg whilst it was cooking. Thai curry with sprouts in rice was an interesting concept. And a tasty one.

I managed to stay awake long enough to talk to Nurse Claire from the Sue Ryder team. She works with Nurse Katy. I have such respect for them, they are so lovely. She will visit in early October- after our holiday and after hers too. She normally works with Goring patients (that’s us) but she and Katy work closely together because who visits will depend on our need and who is on duty.

Alex texted to say F is not well with a temperature and sore throat. So they will steer clear of us this coming week. But I have to deliver H next weekend. Fleur has tested positive for Covid. Probably picked up on the plane from New York.

Tina decided she was visiting but I think we stopped that. Not much point in her coming if we are away. She is also making threatening enquiries as to when T’s next medical appointment is. Ali reminded us of her extreme rudeness to someone in her firm a few years ago. T wrote to her in no uncertain terms clarifying how rude she had been and the embarrassment caused.

I prefer to separate her from those who are helping us. And keep her separate.

I fell asleep again this afternoon and awoke feeling hot and sticky. I didn’t want to go out. H’s heart was not in it either. It was still 29C at 19.00. We have two more days of this to suffer.

The Rugby World Cup begins today. We were in Palaiochora in 2015, and in 2019 for previous competitions. In 2019, we watched the final at Ianni’s – one of my favourite cafe bars off the main drag. Run by a pleasant elderly couple. Well young compared with us.

T has not coughed so much today. But strangely a little bit of his memory has been working irritatingly well. He has been obsessed by an open window by my side of the bed. Every couple of minutes, he asks me if I’ve closed it yet. As if… on a night like tonight, I need all the fresh air I can get. I’ve pulled the curtain across it to help him forget it. He thinks we will be assaulted.
His main aim once it starts to get dark is to make sure we are enclosed in airless surroundings.
I sneak impatiently, past and reopen everything so that the cool of the night hours allows some solace.

Thought for the Day






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