A strange sort of day to enjoy, but he says he did enjoy it!
It started when I battled my way through a dream which supposedly involved me making a pasta dish for various youngsters and older people. I didn’t have a recipe, nor did I have all the ingredients, nor did I have the time to cook it. The absence of pasta in the store cupboard was also troublesome.
I was struggling to work out when I could do the cooking, in between being picked up by Ali, and then driving to the Churchill Hospital for T’s appointment, and then producing the food.
Pen, to her credit, did an excellent job of leaving Devon to get to us in time for departure. It didn’t stop me panicking over timing, but Ali sorted me out. In no uncertain terms. And the dream evaporated.
There was no readily available parking at the hospital, but Ali improvised and we somehow made it into T’s appointment, where we were seen by Dr Nikky Panakis, yes she was Greek, and charming beyond charming .
She explained everything to us with great clarity, including details of his previous scan, and T was present, but not really aware. He will get an appointment to map the tumour with another CT scan (and a tattoo) . And then a longer appointment for the radiotherapy to take place. For this, he must remain absolutely still. Which is the 90 dollar question.
She seemed, to believe, without doubt, this treatment would be important for him to relieve some of the symptoms already present, and others that may appear. Notably, sudden and considerable haemorrhage.
By now I was extremely hot, and it was the hottest day of the year, so far.
We followed up our visit with lunch at the Swan. We had tried the Beetle but they were being invaded by a huge party.
And then a snooze back home after someone made me plod a route march back to the car in 31C heat.
Pen joined us for a chunk of the evening. I only fell asleep again after putting Clarksons farm on the TV for T. I asked him if he had had a nice day and he said he had.
So it is good to see him happy in the company of family, even if information dished out to us is about coping, and holds no sense of hope. We are inured to this now, and only have great respect for the NHS staff who look after us.
Tomorrow is another busy day. The heat makes it harder. It was 23C at 22.30. But the early hours bring a drop in temperature. Getting H out early is tricky. Pen kindly offered to walk her yesterday but we had to decline, and remind her it was too dangerous for dogs during the afternoon.
Thought for the Day

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