On the Go

I had an excellent night’s sleep. All p and q and no diarrhoea. And only one dog.
Minnie was actually a delight to have, no extra trouble really apart from eating 2x what H eats. She’s a really lovely dog. She even stopped panting when we went out and about in the car. Not quite as relaxed as H but more so as time passed.
I miss her. But I don’t miss having to check that we still have two dogs and that T has not let one of them out etc.

Today was always going to be a scramble. It started with having to take T to Daycare but he was compliant and ready. Next H got a short walk which was not as long as the workout indicated. But I needed to take her before it became too hot. And return her home.

And then, in Benson, there was handsome, Rick, the dentist. Who could find nothing new to do to my teeth, after all, we had agreed long ago that the missing ones could stay missing.

By now it was getting very warm. So the car and I went to Carman at the tyre emporium who checked and inflated my naughty tyre, whose pressure was only slightly too low.
We exchanged a little chat about storms in the Eastern Med. He is off to Turkey next week.

In the meantime, I had received a request from Terry ( of Terry and Chris fame) to leave their car parked up at ours whilst they boated off up the Thames with some friends. I was happy to oblige and confirmed I could also drive them to Goring. Goring was where their friends’ boat was parked up. Moored maybe.

Alex’s car went home yesterday. We have space for 3 cars.

I went to pick up worm and flea tabs for H ftom the vet. And our human meds from the surgery.

And then I went home. Despite burying H’s flea tab deep inside something tasty, it was rejected . Try again dear! Not good enough. I stuffed each half into a cheese sandwich for this evening, but when I investigated the sandwiches the bits of tablet were not there. I must be going crackers! What has happened to the stupid things?

At home, I had a little sit down. And then Terry and Chris arrived . It was a very quick turn around because I had T to collect. They were both looking well. I drove them to as near the towpath as I could get in Goring, along with their assorted bags and pillows etc. I was assured their friends would help them.

Goring is a bit like a holiday resort at the moment with all sorts of day and weekend trippers. And children who should be back in school, but are wandering aimlessly.

Oncology appointment tomorrow.

Thought for the Day






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