The Travellers Return

The night did not go according to any sort of plan, ever devised by me!
This was mainly because poor old Minnie had an upset tum of explosive proportions, the clearing up of which was something I would have preferred not to have to do.
This was around 04.00 and I was loath to leave the back door open. Barking dogs etc etc.
I knew by about 03.00 that the Illis were probably safely on their flight back to London. This part of their trip was reliable and on time. But they have returned tired and travel weary. What an adventure!

I took the dogs out early due to imminent heat, and it was a short walk. I was worried about Minnie’s poorly tum which would not combine well with heat. But she seemed bouncy enough this morning.
Then I prepared a large veg lasagne … some of which fed us this evening and the rest was to greet the Illis.
Freddy has already visited them so it is a relief to know that he is alright. Happy to have them back I think.

I relaxed for a bit once I had delivered the lasagne – before their return because I knew they would be tired.

I may even have fallen asleep for a bit.
Once the Illis had unloaded their weekly shop – 4 of them came visiting early evening. In the meantime, I had got the photos up on the iPad so they were big enough for Tony to see.

T has a lovely T shirt and I have a lovely alpaca scarf. And some interesting chocolates. Dark unsweetened chocolate chocolates. A little bit bashed, but very tasty. Thank you folks .

It has been another very hot day leading to one of those evenings, the ones where my window got closed and stuffiness pervaded.

Minnie’s tum seems to have recovered and she has gone home. I wonder if H will be glad or sad.

Thought for the Day






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