The temperature was 30C at 18.30 and had been around 28C for most of the day from around midday. It’s 17C at half past midnight.
I had a very disturbed night- no idea what I ate and drank that can have caused loo trips. But they left me feeling quite exhausted.
We were ready for day care suitably early, which information, T could not retain and kept wanting to leave before it would be open.
I took the dogs to Pangbourne because of shade, benches and paddling opportunities. They took advantage of all that, but I will need to be out earlier with them tomorrow. The Temperatures are forecast to reach around 28C over the next week.

The Syfrets rowed past us in a four man wooden canoe-like vessel. And shouted greetings.
After walking the dogs, I had a series of nuisance chores to attend to … sorting the dish washer … giving it a powerful cleaning solution cycle, which meant emptying it and washing dishes by hand. I changed all the bedding and washed it all. The plants got watered amongst various other important tasks.
One of the more important, was a deep and satisfying sleep, before I ventured into the oven to collect T.
I have been commissioned to make a very big vegetarian lasagne to greet the explorers upon their return, tomorrow. This requires preparation time, which I will give it tomorrow morning. I did the shopping today: the fridge is proving tricky to empty. Every day I check it’s innards, it seems to be more full than the day before. But it just did not contain the things I required.
After it was so hot this afternoon, I did not want to be outside. I took a cold shower which helped cool me down.
T meanwhile was wrapped up in long trousers and a woolly. This evening there was a right old tussle. I wanted the window open in the sitting room – he kept forgetting and kept closing it. This happened at least five times. And finally, frustration drove me to bed.
But peace is rare when T is around, and he always follows me.So the sanctity of the bedroom no longer exists… and the bun fight over an open window will begin all over again…
Thought for the Day

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