A new route

I had a decent sleep apart from waking at 05.00, having coffee and toast and dozing off again. The night had been disturbed by a restless and panting Minnie who was allowed outside to relieve herself. The second interruption was around coffee time so I can’t really count that .
It was a grey start to the day.
I lay around being utterly lazy, just in case T wanted to come walkies, but he did not.
So I took the girls out for a brief walk to Sulham Woods, By the time we got there, it was early afternoon and warm and quite muggy. This is a new venue and would be a good, shady place to walk on a hot day. Or a rainy one, though I suspect it becomes very muddy underfoot. The main footpaths are quite broad, like avenues.

I only took one photo. The doggies were not exactly running off excess energy. Pottering describes it better.
We visited invisible Freddy and the great gas works next.

And we visited Vicars to buy dog mince amongst other offerings but they had none. Too busy to bag it up apparently.

Oops! I found some plants I forgot to water. Most are alright. Most…

More laziness followed this evening, and then, the explorers who have now left the Amazon and are en route back to Lima, sent pics.

Here are a few ( more tomorrow):

A giant rat – the size of a rabbit or domestic cat

They are in Lima now and fly to Newark this evening.

Thought for the Day






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