For an orange sausage on a rope.
The day was another miserable damp drizzly effort. But we could not hibernate today because T had Daycare to get to
Having unenjoyed a restless night, it was not good to be awake at 07.00. However we did need to get up and spring into action. T was reasonably compliant after a deeply negative start.
Having dropped him off, I found both car parks at Pangbourne were full. This took me completely by surprise because the day was so miserable, similar to yesterday, where the car parks were all but empty.
A cunning plan began to form in my mind, which involved a trip to Greenham so that Minnie could play with her new orange toy in the dog ponds there.
So Greenham it was. And play she did. I threw it in the ground to begin with but it did not take long for her to spy the ponds and she rocketed off into the distance.
The closest water was quite deceptive. Quite deep and very mossy. Except for where it was not very mossy. There, it was mostly water and a thin layer of moss, as H discovered to her cost as she plunged across the pond following Minnie. The cost being a wet coat. And a shock.

The weather became damper and so we drove home via a little detour to explore the possibility of future walking at Sulham. There is a (very) small car park and lots of trees in one direction and fields in the other direction. Definitely potential there.
I returned home to the usual list of chores – sink, dish washer, clothes washing, Miele, and heaving the new sack of dog food into the container. This was of great interest to Minnie who was rewarded with a few spilt biscuits.
I managed to keep my eyes open to pick up T and came home to rest my eyes.

And that was that. I have become interested in Five Days. A five part mini series. It only dates back to 2010. Edward Woodward (Callan?) was alive then . Because he has a part in it.
Thought for the Day

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