No mail activity during the night, due to the fact the intrepid travellers are around 140km up river on an Amazon tributary, miles from the usual forms of communication. You can’t get there by road, only by boat. In fact you can’t get to Iquitos unless you fly or travel by boat.
The night was OK. The day was not. Grey drizzle greeted us. Nobody seemed to want to go out for a walk. The dogs kept their heads below the parapet and T has had one of those days where he has remained largely incommunicado.
I expect he occupants of the well equipped boat pictured below , had a reason for sitting there with the engine running. Spewing out noxious diesel fumes.

I took the dogs back to Pangbourne although someone has flagged up Sulham Woods as a good place to walk – new territory not far away. But not to be tested in the rain.
We walked; others did not. It seems that the rain has kept people confined. A few hardier souls did emerge for my two dogs to investigate. A few boats plied their way back and forth but no paddle boards or small craft today. Minnie still went in the water but H steered clear.
I made soup upon our return . A carrot a potato, celery and leeks were the main ingredients, along with a bit of spice including smoked paprika. Yummy. T even ate his offering which is quite unusual. I suppose ‘slightly past their best veg’ are good for you. I can use the remainder tomorrow if I add a new ingredient. No idea what. It depends what still lurks.
I enjoyed a plateful of sprouts the other day. the sprout gene burns strong within me, unlike T who does not possess it. Sprouts are the solution to many complaints.
I received a phone call from Dementia Adventure wanting me to fill in the Herbert Protocol before we go away. This is as a result of the info I fed them about T going missing . This happened twice, both occasions several years ago now, in Crete and at Gatwick. It would be sensible to fill this in, anyway, as it is info for Police etc should he take himself off again.
Or so I thought. Until I realised, that not only is it 10 pages long, but also I need to fire up the lap top. I can’t fill in the PDF on my phone. Even with an App to help me.
Maybe I will reinvest in a printer when I set up my computer/technology corner. In a few months time. The Illis normally print things for me but their 3 week absence has interfered with various of my printing requirements. Normally I only use this service 3 or 4 times per year.
I may have drifted off again this afternoon. The evening was as disgusting as the morning had been.
Thought for the Day

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