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Daycare did happen today… It was not a bank holiday. There was some nightmail during the night. Otherwise it was a reasonable night.
The dogs join us in our bedroom. They have a bed each although H sometimes lies alongside me and Minnie often lies by T. Or tries to cuddle up by T. That is a dog each. It’s very soothing.

T was reasonably compliant about getting ready, though recently some of his short temper has been popping up again. We have recently had a bit of a rest from that. I put it down to the increased dosage of happy pills.
I popped into Lidl for one or two items (including dish washer tablets) and I had plans to walk the dogs at Castle Meadows. But the main route into Wallingford is closed due to some works or other and I discovered that the Hithercroft route is also in turmoil. Clever that – road works on both of the two main routes into Wallingford from the SW.

So it was back to Pangbourne. It was quite late when we arrived and the free car park was full. So I had to pay all of £1.30 for my 90 minutes. The dogs played around with various other dogs, and I enjoyed the sun and warmth.
Kat rang whilst I was sitting there, to say Nick had developed a Lurgy /?Covid, which involved sneezing and a runny nose. So we agreed to postpone our get together. That meant I did not have to rush back to hoover etc.

I returned home via the Illis and invisible Freddy. The gas works have advanced up the hill and one of the workman or probably, foremen explained they might need to investigate the piping under the Illis car. But he said it could wait until Tuesday when they return. There was a big yellow rubber mat over a hole in their gateway.

At home, I carried out the usual boring chores, sprayed a few weeds, put the rubbish out. I was a bit puzzled as to why I was the only good citizen to have done this. I was a day early, as it transpires, due to later collections thanks to the bank holiday.
The rest of the afternoon involved collecting T and catching up on the TV series about facts not being real. It was good. Clever.

I really am joining the potty club. Last night’s worry- I used the last dishwasher tablet and couldn’t be bothered to empty it or put dirty dishes in it. The stack of dirty plates was growing… I kept imagining them taking over the kitchen. I am normally quite relaxed about these things, but not last night.

Our Peruvian travellers are on their way up the Amazon to the jungle so out of reach for a few days.

A few photos that drifted in late…

Thought for the Day






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