Out to Lunch

Posted late – it’s about Thursday

A jolly good night was followed by a rather lazy flex workout. One that involved unconsciousness and closed eyes. And a very late final wake up that meant I had to get myself and the dogs going.

Luckily, I had remembered to get the bins out and the ton of grass clippings has been removed. Along with a pile of cardboard boxes. And maggots in the good bin. Nice!

Burt had taken it upon himself to put our brown bin back which is not really helpful. T has a habit of putting unemptied bins back so I had to check.

Burt is really continuing to annoy me. If he is outside, he is incapable of simply exchanging a ‘hi!’ Or similar. He has to come over and try to engage me in conversation. He keeps moaning about not having seen T recently or had a chat with him. I’m wondering if his curiosity has been spiked …

I took the dogs down to the meadows at Pangbourne. They ran around a bit but Minnie kept abandoning her ball which is not Minnie-like behaviour. Maybe her adventurous walks with Eleanor are catching up with her. A lonely ball…

We chatted to a man who was dangling things in the water. I enquired if he was investigating the temperature or water quality. It was temperature – 18C. Which was a bit warmer than the 14C of a few days ago. Or so I was informed. He regularly comes for a swim after his Wednesday Zumba class. As you do!

We returned home where T was almost ready to come out to Saddleback farm to meet friends. Carer friends. The spanner in the works had decided not to attend because she had important meetings and was busy sending emails resigning from every important voluntary post she had ever held. She will soon be removing herself from the area, we were informed. By Herself.

The two Anthony’s – mine overcooked as ever, in woollies. And the more debonair version. Both on the potty scale.

Dame Sue appeared as we were almost departing, with her mother and her grandson, having taken them on a sweeping tour of West Berkshire. An unintended and unnecessary tour. She had headed for Sheepdrove (Dorling Kindersley wild flowers/ books etc), instead of Saddleback. Slight difference in location. And in output.

We had a great batter. Or even natter. The two Anthony’s chuntered on at their end of the table. Queen P was absent – she had more important things to do. Mostly resigning from most of her very important committee etc. I think I may have mentioned that’s Phew!

Curry finished me off and the day too.

The Peru travellers are without internet for a few days while they ‘climb every mountain’ and the Greek travellers will arrive home later on Friday.

Thought for the Day






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