Oh such helpful visitors are always welcome – those who walk your daughter’s dog for miles and then cut your grass for you. Not just any old grass, your lawn of lush, green, thick grass, long overdue for the mower blade. I have grass good enough for a TV advert now. Thank you Eleanor.
I slept very nicely, finally awaking around 07.00. I slowly slowly managed to get T up and out although we were much later arriving at daycare than usual. Nearer to 10.00 today.
E had kindly taken Minnie off with Kali so H and my ankles and I took a gentle wander around Cholsey Rec. We had a little sit down on the log by the stream where H had a little paddle.

The intrepid adventurers were back from Streatley by the time I arrived home.
There was work for me to do before Terry and Chris arrived for lunch. They are E’s and Cretan Chris’ cousins and we had met in Crete last year. Thinking ahead, when I made shepherd’s pie yesterday, I had cooked extra mince to use as a base for lasagne today. So it was easy to add tomatoes and herbs, lasagne and a cheese sauce.
A chunky coleslaw accompanied it.
And then there was a master stroke. Following the free gooseberries and eggs we received yesterday, today was the turn of neighbours to donate foodstuff such as apples and plums to the worthy McG food bank.
So apples and plums were transformed into a crumble.
A filling lunch seemed to be enjoyed by all.
It was lovely to see Terry and Chris again and I unloaded a bag full of Cretan salt on to them. Thank you Cretan Chris. That salt is going a long way! The rest is mostly prettily and safely boxed up now in plastic take away tubs. It is safely stored in our shed. Nothing seems interested in investigating the tub contents. Not that I’ve seen anything apart from squirrels and pigeons there.
As I remember, Terry still tells a humorous tale or two to keep us in our toes. And they both looked surprisingly well despite a few health hiccups. I collected T at the usual time so he was able to spend time with them.
Following their departure, E took up the mower challenge. I hid. Though I did unhide in order to explain the hod was useful to catch clippings. But whilst hiding, I made myself useful loading the dishwasher and tidying kitchen debris. Putting left overs in the fridge etc. T also hid in the bedroom for the rest of the day. He was fast asleep.
We did check he was alive after a few hours. I’m afraid I drifted off again. T has not coughed at all really today. That is good news.
The dogs have been an absolute delight. H was very barky yesterday but has been much calmer today. Only bothering to make a noise when someone skirted our boundary. W or B caring for next door’s chickens I think. But the dogs seem to like each others’ company, sharing the house and people nicely. And sharing outside noises that require vocal doggy intervention.

If one barks, the others join in, regardless and ignorant of the reason, but there is only ever one last bitch standing, which has to be H.
So, we have a calm household with a shorn lawn, as night falls.
The Peruvian explorers have completed their chocolate course. De rigueur was stylish headgear so dandruff, nits etc would not fall into their potions.
I have annoying videos to prove their chocolate making expertise. Why annoying? Well I could almost smell the melted chocolate as they moved it around preparing it for moulding. And I could not taste it.
It was ‘Dave’s day’ in Peru as they whiled was a morning at cafes playing games. They are now on a night bus heading to Cuzco and their 4 day trek to Machu Picchu. I hope they are not too knackered to enjoy it.

The Roberts family have been quiet in the Péloponnèse. Tomorrow is their last day before heading for Rafina.
Thought for the Day

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