Eleanor will be visiting for a few days.
I slept OK. And awoke at the usual time and did the usual things. And was up and out with both dogs at 07.30. We wandered around Castle Meadows under a sky of mixed colours.
I then went straight to Waitrose because the morning was not hot and I knew I could leave the dogs in the car. Four heavy bags of shopping later and we were on our way home.
T was still in bed but I soon dug him out by inviting him to help carry the heavy bags inside the house. Then, slowly, it all got unpacked and stowed into the fridge. But, before filling it up, I emptied it of several items and packages which were, literally, past their sell by dates. Smell by date, look at date and do-anything-with by date.
I also dealt with the rubbish and scowled at the grass. And sat down. T eventually heaved himself into the shower, whereupon he informed me that it had come off the wall. Grr! My last fix had lasted nearly a year. This was not convenient with Eleanor due any moment. Not great timing!
Glue supplies I had did not work. I sent him to the other bath for his shower. Reminding him to keep the door shut was a never ending suggestion and Eleanor arrived just as I had contributed to delicately wedge the mop against the shower. Although I later noticed somebody had undone all my hard work.
We chatted for a bit, sandwiches were offered round, Kally settled in, very sweetly. The other dogs were kind to her,
We went off for a walk to Pangbourne. I fell flat on my face, very inelegantly, bottom up and all that and I struggled to get up. Shorts required tomorrow. I’ve now sprained the ankle that was not my sore ankle and so by bedtime I was really tittering. Or even tottering. I felt as if I was walking on two peg legs.
But dog walk 2 was in pleasant warmth, in busy meadows where most benches were occupied. But the love-in log served its purpose. Heidi got loved; Minnie chased the ball and Kally got exercised .
Clarksons Farm 2 provided good entertainment whilst I drifted off into another world. Salmon was well received for tea, somewhat earlier than now .
Did Clarkson’s farm send me off to sleep? Of course.
White Water Rafting

A Peruvian Monastery
Thought for the Day

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