I felt as though I was travelling in one of the Illingworth rucksacks last night. I awoke with them as they were in transit in Miami and again when they arrived in Peru. But they are six hours behind us.
Today Pen and family travel to Gatwick to the Premier Inn for an early flight to Kalamazoo tomorrow. Or maybe to Kalamata. Perhaps I will be in their baggage.
Whereupon we are left pretty much to our own devices here in the U.K., although there are a few events and visitors lined up.
So last night was not exactly overflowing with sleep. But the later hours did the job.
The ankle is feeling a lot better but not right still. There is a dull ache which is spreading up my shin, and pain within the ankle area.
We had a cough-free start to the day and I managed to get T to daycare. The day was not inviting with lots of grey clouds for our doggy walk.
Pangbourne was much quieter today, probably something to do with the heavy rain that fell overnight, and that was still a bit persistent this morning.
The dogs burst out onto the Meadows. And we headed for the benches . But our peace did not last long. A great green monster with twinkling eyes launched itself up and down the meadow, making short schrift of any long grasses. I had forgotten to take the ball and thrower out with me so Minnie had to content herself with running found in circles and sniffing other dogs.
The rain got to be too much and we returned to the car and home via the Illis’ house to feed Freddy, who was not at home.
Back at our home, I found three new chunky rubber balls awaiting me via Amazon. Plenty for tomorrow. One has a super high bounce, or so it says.

The kitchen looked as though it had been attacked by a hysterical mass of invaders. So I reduced a lot of the chaos by encouraging it into the dish washer. And tried to have a sit down.
But there were various interruptions and phone calls. I tried to change an appointment T had been given for 1/9, but was fobbed off with a strange response, then I realised that there were NHS strikes persisting.
The Illis are recovering from their 24 hours plus, of travelling and relaxing, in their Lima hotel, before taking a very fancy bus to Paracas. They will arrive there in the middle of our night. I think.

I think that was someone’s brekky.
After Pangbourne, I had been to feed Freddy, of whom there was no sign apart from a fairly empty biscuit bowl. And I picked up some parcels that required posting. So I disposed of these just after picking T up from Daycare. Another job ticked off.
He had quite a coughing fit as we left daycare. But otherwise he has been pretty stable.
His sister is now back in Rafina so I am expecting that the stirring up of the waves will begin.
I dozed off in the evening but awoke in time to get myself off to bed. Strange dreams followed in which I seemed to be a business executive targeted by some whizz kid who wanted to oust me from my job. We were on our way to a business conference only I couldn’t get my act together packing my bag. And my dirty clothes kept escaping and popping up in silly places.
I had enough of that and went to tidy the kitchen and sort the dishwasher yet again .
Thought for the Day
It is August 15. The pinnacle of the holiday season in Greece and France amongst other places. It will be busy in Catholic Europe. That brings back a few memories.
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