
Today was exhausting – both my phone and my watch died on me – I am such a murderer.
We have resolved to try and give T a few special experiences while he can still enjoy them. He may not remember them, but we will. Today’s was our first – a trip to Marwell Zoo, one of his favourite places over the years. Two daughters, a wife and three grandchildren formed something of a Crazy Gang touring the zoo.

The night passed with a fair amount of sleep and the usual toast for brekkie. We needed to be up and over to the Illis for 9.15. We travelled in one car and Pen and Evie hot-wheeled it straight there from Devon. Heidi was left with Dave.

Our nice blue badge meant we could park close to the entrance and both bits of family arrived simultaneously. Quite convenient really.
Important things first. We staggered up quite a steep slope to the loos, only to discover some more user friendly ones, not up a slope, near the penguins.
We wandered slowly round the zoo, slowly being out of deference to us ancient folks. Then someone had a brilliant idea of using a wheelchair which is free to borrow.
Pen and Ali raced off to get one, catching us up close to the giraffes. Such beautiful, graceful creatures.
We held our breath – would T be willing to take a ride? He was quite wheezy whilst walking. Yes he did take a ride but then got up and down, on repeat, to wander around. George was very good at pushing him. Others took their turn. And T decided that being seated and propelled was better than propelling himself.

(George attracted excited, admiring comment from onlookers at the end of the day when he ran back up that loo slope pushing his grandfather at high speed. ) strong!

There were a lot of people at the zoo today. Families dominated. Children super dominated. Noisy ones. Very very noisy wailing ones, stroppy ones, excited ones. Loud! My irritation threshold was definitely breeched.
Some of the animals appeared to be hiding from us, due to the heat perhaps.
We last visited the newly opened tropical house five years ago. It contained about five twigs. Now it is a veritable rain forest of trees, plants and shy creatures. What a difference five years makes.
All sorts of other creatures earned our admiration – giraffes, penguins, flamingoes , okapi, zebras, tigers , przwalski horses, snow leopards etc etc lizards, wailing children

We lunched by the safari plains but nothing was out there today. Only wailing children.

Meet the gang! Plus George below. And Ali is being shy.

We were so busy partying Mama Mia style on the return journey home, that we realised, a bit late, that we were heading for Basingstoke. That was not on our route home nor was it part of the plan. But it became both.

Both my iPhone and my Apple Watch died enroute round the park they were so overwhelmed!

Thought for the Day






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