
I didn’t sleep that well and performed the usual routines before dozing off again. I looked out of the window at the grey and dreary day which offered no encouragement to get up and do something. Anything at all.
The rain was scheduled to continue until mid afternoon.
So I busied myself with a few minor chores, carefully avoiding the main eyesore demanding my attention. A heap of clothes which require sorting and tidying away.
H showed no interest at all in going out. Even T stayed in bed!
The day meandered on – a message from Ali told us her deal is done. A relief to all involved I should think.
I suggested to T that we walk H later in the afternoon at Greenham. The rain was scheduled to take a break around then. So that is what we did.

And we timed it to perfection, around 17.00, because the rain restarted shortly after we reached the car.
Ho Wan, our top Chinese take away supplied us with our evening meal which we drove back to Moulsford. It stays hot! Don’t ask how.

T ate all his! Every scrap. It’s been a fairly cough/free day. The increased dose of sertraline seems to have lightened his mood somewhat. There has definitely not been so much verbal abuse, although something slipped out yesterday.

The evening was desperately miserable. Similar to around 15.00 on a dismal November afternoon.

So a day of wasted opportunities with only myself to blame!

It is apposite that C4 News carried a long item on palliative care in an African Country, or the lack of it. I will spare the details of the old lady, shunned by her village and family, whose face was being eaten away by a vicious cancer. Or the 41 year old man with a prostate tumour so massive he could hardly walk. Adored and revered by his villagers and family. No palliative care nurses for these people. Or only available to people who required no transport.

Unlike here:

They are visiting on Thursday.

Thought for the Day






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